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Raised and Living in Sunny Southern California, I love the beach, bikinis and outside adventures. My latest obsession is swimming with the leopard sharks in San Diego, California. Since finding an amazing indoor spin studio in Costa Mesa (@gritcycle), I have been getting in great mental and physical shape.  

I know one's environment and living space is the most precious place of all. Your home and office should be clean and clear free from clutter. To truly thrive in any area of your life, you need to be in an environment that supports healthy, positive and productive energy. If your space is not beautiful, clutter free and organized then it's pretty safe to say that you are not thriving at your ultimate creation and success level. Your environment affects your energy. Make sure your environment is sparkling so that your energy is radiating.

I work with Entrepreneurs on the importance of thriving, not just surviving in their business. We assess business goals and develop growth strategies in order to have a business that truly thrives regardless of market conditions. Our focus is on strategically building seven solid sources of income into their business plan. Creating a strong brand identify and solid growth strategy, your business will THRIVE, not just survive.