"Amy has changed my life forever. I had Amy come to my home to do a wardrobe overhaul. She changed the way I look at getting dressed forever. I use to dread getting dressed. Amy guided me through the wardrobe editing process with ease. I donated 5 trash bags full of clothes that no longer served me. Once we purged the items that I no longer wore, we were able to create beautiful outfits that I enjoy wearing. I now always look professional and put together. I thank Amy for her sincere and honest approach to what a proper wardrobe should consist of." 

Kim, balboa island /

"Amy is extremely unique in her organizing techniques. She can easily organize any area of my home without me even being home. Amy arrives, starts organizing and when I get home I have beautifully organized spaces. Amy labels everything so that I know exactly what and where everything is. I highly recommend Amy's services to anyone wants to get and stay organized."

SARAh, corona del mar /

"Amy was a huge asset to me recently when I moved. Moving is never fun, but Amy made the process easy and effortless.
I would recommend Amy for any organizing or moving needs."