less is more

The Seduction of Simplicity

The Seduction of Simplicity is Stunning.png

The Seduction of Simplicity is Stunning

7 Simple Ways to Simplifying


My first rule of thumb is, only keep what you absolutely love. We live in such a material world where we think gathering a ton of crap will fill our head and hearts. This is quite the opposite. Acquiring material objects actually creates a great deal of unnecessary angst. Do an audit on your entire home and keep only what you absolutely LOVE. 



Daily…choose the Top 3 most important tasks that only you can complete and complete them. For the rest of the laundry list of tasks to complete in your home or business…Hire Somebody. Yes, I said it. Hire help whenever and wherever you can. Hire a nanny, hire a housekeeper,  hire a gardner, hire a Virtual Assistant. You will not regret spending money on help to support you in your home or business. I know, so many tell me they cannot afford to hire help. The deal is…once you hire help, it allows you to work on the $100.00 an hour tasks that support your business. Let somebody else handle the $10.00 an hour tasks.  It is life altering for most. It has been for me. 

3. YES

Say “yes” only to the people, places and things that you absolutely want to say “yes” to. Say “No” to everything else. I hear so many woman saying that they are overwhelmed, over committed and they say “yes” out of guilt, not out of true enjoyment. Learn to say “no” and the “yes” commitments will bring you so much more meaning and joy. 


I promise, if you find and stick with an exercise regimen that you truly enjoy, it will change your life forever. Exercise releases stress, builds serotonin, and creates confidence. Exercise for me has helped me to realize what to simplify in my life. Exercise is a excellent mental motivator. 


Stop and smell the white lilies (my favorite flower). Be grateful for all that you currently have in your life. It is when we take note of all that we currently have that we stop wanting more material crap to clutter our space. Gratitude is a powerful tool to use on a daily basis. Use it most when things are really tough. Be grateful to be alive and ask the universe every single morning…”Universe, what may I do today to change somebody’s life for the better. 


Please, please, please read more of what sparks your fancy. Reading can take us to another dimension. Reading ignites fantasy, passion, ideas, and may just lead you on a path to greatness. Turn off computers, tv’s, music and all other distractions. Find a cozy place and read. Whatever your reading pleasure is, it is an amazing way to simplify the noise in your head. I’m a lover of business books. Knowledge is such a powerful tool to greatness. 


Spend your hard earned money on more experiences, not more stuff. You rarely go to a social gathering and talk about the new shoes or bag you just bought. Note to self, nobody cares about your new bag or shoes. Unless somebody compliments you on your bag or shoes, please talk to people about something awesome that is happening in your world. Be worth having an amazing conversations with. On the other hand, if you just returned home from a safari in Africa, I bet my bootie, you will be chatting to anyone who will listen. If all you can talk about is material objects…please go out in the world and experience something you are interested in. Even bigger challenge, do something that scares you and talk about that. Truly, I went swimming with Leopard Sharks in San Diego, Ca and I am now addicted. You almost had to push me in the ocean to brave what we were about to do, but once in…OMG what an experience. BTW…It was free.